IXYS Corporation
- Lifecycle statusActive
- RoHSRoHS compliant
- REACHREACH compliant
- DescriptionIGBT Transistors igbt xpt-hi voltage
- Category
- ECCN GovernanceEAR
- VCEsat-Max4 V
- JESD-30 CodeR-PSSO-G2
- ConfigurationSINGLE
- JEDEC-95 CodeTO-268AA
- Package ShapeRECTANGULAR
- Package StyleSMALL OUTLINE Meter
- Surface MountYES
- Terminal FormGULL WING
- Case ConnectionCOLLECTOR
- Terminal PositionSINGLE
- Number of Elements1
- Number of Terminals2
- Package Body MaterialPLASTIC/EPOXY
- Polarity/Channel TypeN-CHANNEL
- Transistor ApplicationPOWER CONTROL
- Turn-on Time-Nom (ton)51 ns
- Gate-emitter Voltage-Max20 V
- Turn-off Time-Nom (toff)575 ns
- Operating Temperature-Max175 Cel
- Operating Temperature-Min-55 Cel
- Collector Current-Max (IC)95 A
- Power Dissipation-Max (Abs)937 W
- Transistor Element MaterialSILICON
- Gate-emitter Thr Voltage-Max5 V
- Collector-emitter Voltage-Max2500 V
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