- Lifecycle statusActive
- RoHSRoHS compliant
- DescriptionIndustrial & Electrical Fuses 600v t/d class cc .1a
- Category
- ECCN GovernanceEAR
- Body Height38.1 mm
- Rated Current0.1 A
- Packing MethodBULK
- Terminal ShapeEND CAP
- Terminal FinishNickel (Ni)
- Mounting FeatureINLINE/HOLDER
- Rated Voltage(AC)600 V
- Rated Voltage(DC)300 V
- Additional FeatureRATED BREAKING CAPACITY AT 300 VDC: 20000 A
- Joule-integral-Nom0.0004 J
- Reference StandardCE; CSA; UL
- Trip Time or Delay12 Seconds
- Blow CharacteristicTIME DELAY
- Body Length or Diameter10.3 mm
- Circuit Protection TypeELECTRIC FUSE
- Rated Breaking Capacity200000 A
- Package StyleCARTRIDGE
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